Your Guide to Orthodontic Spacers

Girl with orthodontic spacers

Orthodontic spacers aren’t talked about much, yet they’re one of the most commonly used orthodontic appliances with braces! Some patients may require orthodontic spacers to create the necessary room between the teeth for upcoming treatment. Sometimes spacers are used by themselves to upright a molar.  So what’s the deal with orthodontic spacers? What are they? […]

Get A 2nd Opinion from a Trusted, Experienced Orthodontist

Teen receives complimentary second orthodontist opinion

So you visited an orthodontist, but you aren’t sure if you’re comfortable starting treatment with him or her yet.  Is it possible to “try out” an orthodontist before choosing one? Can you still visit another orthodontist if you’ve already received an exam from an orthodontist? Yes, you can – and we encourage you to do […]

Why Age 7 Is The Right Age For The First Ortho Evaluation

Smiling 7 year old girl on her dad shoulders after her orthodontic evaluation

How do you know when to start orthodontic treatment and when your child should receive his or her first orthodontic evaluation? Contrary to popular belief, children should receive their first exam before all of their permanent teeth have emerged.  According to the AAO (American Association of Orthodontists), the optimal time is around age 7. So […]

The Most Effective Mouthwash for Braces Care

adult smiles, using mouthwash for braces

Mouthwash is an essential part of a good oral hygiene regimen! Gargling with mouthwash daily has a number of health benefits for your teeth and gums. Mouthwash helps your breath smell fresh, helps remove debris and bacteria from the teeth and gums, and helps prevent a number of common oral conditions, including gum disease. With […]

Do You Still Need to Visit the Dentist During Orthodontic Treatment?

adult smiles after getting his teeth cleaning with braces

If you have braces or Invisalign, should you continue visiting your dentist every 6 months for professional cleanings? Can your dentist even clean your teeth with braces on? Spoiler alert—YES it’s actually essential that you still visit your dentist throughout your orthodontic treatment. Before you begin orthodontic treatment, it’s important that you receive a professional […]

Can You Use a Magic Eraser on Your Teeth?

teen learns the dangers of using magic eraser on teeth

Have you seen the viral TikTok trend of teens using Magic Erasers to clean and whiten their teeth? If you’ve been considering taking a melamine sponge to your teeth, we have a LOT to talk about. Please do not ever use a Magic Eraser or melamine sponge on your teeth or skin. This is a […]

Your Top 5 Invisalign Questions Answered

  Although we offer multiple types of braces, Invisalign® is the preferred orthodontic treatment for many of our patients! However, some people are wary about Invisalign for fear of the unknown. Below, we address the top five questions patients in our office have regarding Invisalign treatment.   1. “What if I lose my Invisalign trays?” […]

4 Signs You Need Orthodontics

  In some cases, it’s simple to tell if you need orthodontic treatment. Say your bottom teeth are crowding in the front, or your top teeth have a gap that’s causing a speech impediment. Maybe your child’s baby teeth are shedding, and his or her adult teeth are growing noticeably out of alignment. In these […]

5 ways to prepare before getting braces

Braces are life changing! After braces, your teeth will never go back to their pre-braces condition (as long as you wear your retainer, that is). Your smile is changed forever! This is extremely exciting, but it does leave room for a few questions. How can you prepare yourself before this life-changing treatment? Come to your […]

Why Should I Go To An Experienced Orthodontist Over a Dentist for Braces?

  If you don’t have a true understanding of the differences between orthodontic care and general dental care, you may believe these professionals are interchangeable. When it comes to braces or aligner treatments, orthodontists are highly trained with intensive experience. Orthodontists do much more work behind your smile than you may think!   Educational Background […]