Spillers Spotlight – Sarah Nick, Orthodontic Assistant

Spillers Spotlight Questions:

Name: Sarah Nick


Position at Spillers Ortho: Ortho Assistant

Length of time at Spillers Ortho: Started in August 2020

What did you want to be when you grew up? Dentist

What was your first job? Server at a family restaurant

If you could have any other job for just one day, what would it be and why? Surgeon, because I love Grey’s Anatomy

Favorite meal/food: CHICK FIL A

Favorite band/music: Country Music

Favorite TV series: The Bachelor/Bachelorette

What do you like to do in your spare time? Beach, boat, spending Time with family

What do you wish you were doing right now? Anywhere on the water

What is one place you want to travel right now? Italy & Greece

Do you have children or pets? If so, what are their names and ages? None yet

Any pet peeves? Loud chewing

What are you most grateful for in your life? Family & The U.S. Military

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